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I. Y. Reheilo, N. T. Zadorozhna, and O. V. Bazeliuk, “CONCEPTION OF THE INTERNET-PORTAL OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE”, ITLT, vol. 17, no. 3, Sep. 2010, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v17i3.241.


Designing the new forms of the state institutions activity organizing on the base of information and communication technologies, and in particular of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, is an urgent problem under the conditions of the information society development. The paper aims to define the theoretical frameworks, institutional measures and information resources list, on their base the reorganization, modernization and further development of the Internet portal of the NAPS of Ukraine will be held. The explanation of the aim, tasks and main concepts are given in the article. The principles are described, on the base of which the up-to-date portal projecting is held. The structure of the official (presenting) and internal (corporate) portal of the NAPS of Ukraine is offered and its domain name is defined.
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