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higher education quality
institutions of higher education
online student survey
cloud technologies

How to Cite

V. M. Moroz, V. P. Sadkovyi, V. M. Babayev, and S. A. Moroz, “ONLINE SURVEY OF STUDENTS IN THE SYSTEM FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION”, ITLT, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 235–250, Dec. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v68i6.2415.


Based on the results of the analysis of world experience on the participation of higher education graduates in assessing the quality of educational activities of higher education institutions and the quality of higher education in general, the possibility of including students in expert groups for monitoring the quality of higher education has been substantiated. There was considered the history of implementation the toolkit for surveying the students into the mechanisms of monitoring the higher education quality. Comparative analysis of the domestic experience on attracting the higher education graduates to the assessment of higher education quality with the relevant foreign experience has been conducted. The peculiarities of the organization and conducting of students surveys within the framework of the international consortium "Student experience in the research university" are determined. The authors have considered the prospects of use of the online survey toolkit for the quality control system in higher education, as well as the level of professional activity of universities. The requirements for a software product, that the expert in assessing the quality of higher education can use to ensure the effectiveness of online surveys of students and the guaranteed achievement of the goal of appropriate monitoring are given. The advantages and disadvantages of online surveys of students as a tool for monitoring the quality of higher education have been identified. The benefits of using the cloud service survey by the organizer for development of the questionnaire for students surveys and analysis of the received answers have been proved. In addition, the paper provides conclusions on the possibility of using the online survey of students in the system for quality assurance in higher education both at university and at the state level, as well as practical recommendations on the use of questionnaires for higher education applicants in the framework of mechanisms for monitoring its quality. The directions of further scientific researches concerning the development and using cloud technologies for assessing the level of quality assurance in higher education institutions, the quality of educational activities and higher education as a whole have been formulated.
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