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synthetic learning environment
biotechnical system
principles of harmonization of human characteristics and technology
education technologies

How to Cite

E. P. Popechitelev and O. Y. Burov, “SYNTHETIC LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: DESIGN FEATURES”, ITLT, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 1–13, Sep. 2018, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v66i4.2427.


The article discusses the transformation of teaching in the transition from traditional material-object environment to learning in a digital synthetic environment. Attention is paid to the fact that, to date, students prefer online and mixed learning, in which human interaction with technical training tools creates not only new opportunities, but also requires the coordination of their interaction. A brief description of the main features of training usage of new technological capabilities is given, with emphasis on such aspects as virtual and augmented reality, as well as the use of game-oriented technologies with an emphasis on reflexive games. The analysis of the changes in the properties of the new learning environment is given from the standpoint of biotechnology, developing the principles of harmonizing human capabilities with technical systems (accounting for the human factor) in a digital learning environment, in which a person is transferred to a new interactive space using devices that reflect signals in his/her sensory organs, and devices that perceive different actions. The variants of teaching technologies on new principles are offered, which allow improving the quality of mastering the educational material. It is noted that the basis for the creation of complex synthetic learning environments are biotechnical systems, which a variety of means for controlling the content of images for the models of these environments are provided in, both by a researcher and a student. It is proposed to extend the concept of "biotechnical system" by including so-called "biotechnical technologies" in it, which becomes especially relevant in the digital world. The difference between these types of technologies is in the fact that great importance should be given to operations that are associated with ensuring the safety of work and creating optimal conditions for the life and work of a person. At the same time, the person interacts primarily with information technologies, with information and knowledge affecting him, but not with material objects, in both the process of management, and the process of studying the outside world for the purpose of its effective use.
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