The article presents the state of distance education for the professional training of graduate students in specialties 017 Physical culture and sports and 014 Secondary education (physical culture) on the example of the T.G. Shevchenko National University "Chernihiv collegium". Positive and negative aspects of introduction of distance learning for the purpose of professional training of future specialists of these specialties are presented, taking into account the characteristics of the student contingent and Chernihiv region specifics. Masters students of the region do not refuse traditional forms of education, moreover, they emphasize the impossibility of entering the system of distance learning from the border regions of the region (Chernihiv region borders with the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation), offer to duplicate the information of distance courses placed on the platform printed (or e-versions) materials that, on the one hand, will facilitate their perception of the material, and on the other hand, will partially make it impossible for individual students and / or group tasks to be performed. The data of questioning of graduate students 2017-2018 of these specialties indicate that it is inappropriate to see a complete transition to distance education of 70% of respondents, an appropriate partial transition - 81%, refuse to use platforms - 8%, express fears that they will not be able to master the discipline, located on the platform - 15%. The perspective opportunities of the distance education development for the specified specialties are singled out, considering the characteristics of the target audience, in particular, the growth of the number of working masters and graduate students who receive additional higher education, future specialists from the metropolitan regions, who seek to obtain an inexpensive additional higher education (in the regions) means of distance learning, an increase in the number of graduates of these specialties who are in service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies. The necessity of considering the features of the region and the mentality of the population during the transition to the distance education is emphasized.References
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