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GeoGebra service
cloud technologies
cloud service of the subject direction
Information and digital competence of the future math teacher

How to Cite

O. V. . Semenikhina, M. G. . Drushliak, and Y. V. . Khvorostina, “USE OF GEOGEBRA CLOUD SERVICE IN FUTURE MATH TEACHERS’ TEACHING”, ITLT, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 48–66, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v73i5.2500.


The article proposes one of the solutions to the problem of informatization of the educational process by introducing the BYOD approach (Bring Your Own Device) into the learning process. The BYOD approach uses the potential of private mobile devices in the classroom and cloud-based services of subject-oriented by the example of GeoGebra. Such theoretical and empirical methods as terminological analysis in the field of information technologies; system analysis of the normative base; an analytical and synthetic method for describing ways to use GeoGebra; figurative and symbolic approach as a method of studying the peculiarities of the communication of subjects of learning; interviewing, questionnaires and conversations with teachers of mathematical discipline on the possibility of engaging GeoGebra service in the educational process; statistical methods of processing the results of experimental learning (the sign test) are used. According to the terminological analysis of the concepts of "information technology", "computer technologies", "cloud / fog technologies", it is confirmed that the service GeoGebra is a cloud service of mathematical direction. It is substantiated that its use is possible in the following ways: GeoGebra as a cloud environment for placing of visualized content; GeoGebra as a cloud environment for organizing not only analytical, but empirical search for answers when defining some characteristics of mathematical objects; GeoGebra as a cloud environment for a home computer experiment. There are some authored didactic materials on implementation of the BYOD-approach created through the cloud-based GeoGebra service. The experience of practical training of future teachers of natural-mathematical discipline on the implementation of BYOD-approach in professional activity within the framework of the special course "Digital technologies in education" (module "Applets and their use in educational process") is described. On the basis of system analysis of legislations, the expediency of upgrading the future teachers training has been confirmed through the introduction of such a module within the special course of the variational part of the curriculum to form information and digital competence of all subjects of the educational process.

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