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electronic didactic modular environment
future border guard officers
professional training
professional qualities
identification skills
computer simulator

How to Cite

S. Y. Biliavets, O. V. Didenko, D. A. Kupriienko, O. I. Moskalenko, and Y. O. Sychevskyi, “APPLICATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPROVING PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION OF FUTURE BORDER GUARD OFFICERS”, ITLT, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 86–103, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v70i2.2522.


The article presents the analysis of the results of information and communication technologies application for improving cadets’ training at higher educational institution of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Due to the peculiarities of the content training of future border guard officers and the importance of high level of their knowledge, abilities and skills at the border crossing points, the use of the electronic didactic modular environment of the academic discipline «Provision of border control» has been offered. This environment is an informational and on-line resource based on the local computer network of the higher educational institution. Its uniqueness is that the components of the electronic didactic modular environment are the computer reference information program «European Vehicle Identification Database», a computer program for the formation and development of professional skills in portrait identification «Trаіnеr», a computer simulator for the identification of age-related changes in a human face «Wiek» and Computer Test «FaceID» for the development of cadets’ ability to identify and distinguish human faces. The practical significance of the use of the proposed ICT is that it activates cognitive activity of cadets and contributes to the development of memory, attention, and professional observation skills. To verify the effectiveness of the use of the ICTs in the future border guard officers’ training an experimental study over two academic years has been carried out. The obtained results of the experimental study indicated that the average grade for theoretical knowledge in the discipline «Border Control» has increased from 3.93 in 2016/2017 academic year to 4.13 in 2017/2018, and the level of practical skills has increased from 3.92 to 4.06 points. It proves the effectiveness and feasibility of the use of information and communication technologies to improve future border guard officers’ training, in particular regarding the identification of vehicles and persons.
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