The article presents the didactic potential of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in preparing prospective teachers of higher education institutions for self-organization in professional activities. It is noted that information tools in the education process are used for searching information, transferring knowledge, providing feedback, organizing distance work and presenting information. The essential potential of ICTs for increasing of the level of self-organization of master students and teachers (wide access to information resources; simplification of communication and information exchange processes; the possibility of using electronic organizers; preservation of information) is substantiated. Signs of unproductive effects of ICTs on professional health and self-organization of personality (useless loss of time, disastrous impact on mental and physical health and the replacement of real communication with virtual one, non-critical reading of quick access information) are indicated. The article specifies the principles of organization of training for master students of specialty 011 "Educational, pedagogical sciences", namely the appropriateness of training, the connection with professional activity, the priority of independent work, feedback provision, the learning process reflexivity, educational activities arrangement. It is noted that ICTs provide the implementation of systemic group, dialogic, individual and consultative interaction between educational actors, as well as they perform functions of time management, planning and activities organization. The types of self-organization of master student’s activities with the use of ICTs are named: self-diagnosis of self-organization level; activity planning; educational tasks performance; work results presentation; self-presentation; personal documentation and work area arrangement; self-control, self-regulation. Some types of students work during studying Fundamentals of Self-Organization in Professional Activity course are shown: preparation of plans and programmes for professional self-development; time management; development of organizational and methodological portfolio; creation of organizers and card files; working area arrangement. As a result of studying the course master students’ level of self-organization has been monitored.
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