Informatization of the education system causes the active use of information and communication technologies (ICT) by the subjects of the educational process, which positively affects its effectiveness and promotes the formation of teacher’s professional competency. One of the components of professional competency is the digital competency which means the teacher’s ability of systematic, logical use of ICT, indicates its modernity, mobility and competitiveness. Despite the variety of solutions for its development, the education system of the New Ukrainian School needs to find the new ways in this direction. One of them is the development of an innovative e-learning resource - the e-platform mobiSchool, adapted to the conditions of continuous education informatization, and containing the web-tools for designing and creating the authentic electronic environments (web-prototypes) of educational institutions. Experimental implementation of mobiSchool points to positive results in the continuous improvement and development of teachers’ digital competencies. The basis of the development is the principles of accessibility, intelligibility, personal orientation, the motivation and interest formation. The specified resource is different from the similar ones: it is a cross-platform that does not require the purchase of additional equipment; users are provided with tutorial support; it is enough for users to get input from the developer; users get different access levels (administrator, teacher, student, parents); it is adaptive - for each educational institution it develops its unique web-prototype; unites and implements all the functions of educational process - educational, developing, training, stimulating (motivational) and organizational (managerial); it can be used for all forms of learning.References
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