The article is devoted to the problem of formation of pedagogical competency of masters of IT-specialties in conditions of reforming of higher professional education and introduction of modern educational information technologies. The theoretical analysis of the approaches of scientists to the definition of basic concepts within the framework of the competency educational paradigm, the establishment of the composition of competency and its evaluation is carried out. It is determined that pedagogical competency is a component of professional competency - integrative quality of personality, which is formed through the development and assimilation of the totality of pedagogical competency’s and characterizes possession of them. Pedagogical competency is considered as a predetermined social requirement for interdependent personality traits in relation to subjects and processes centered around teaching activities necessary for its effective implementation. In the structure of the pedagogical competency of masters of IT-specialties, the motivational-value, operational-cognitive, social-personal components are singled out and a list of pedagogical competencies is developed, the mastering of which promotes their formation. The role of the means of modern educational information technologies in the formation of the pedagogical competency of the future specialists of IT-specialties in the conditions of the magistracy is determined and theoretically substantiated. There are proposed measures to increase the motivation of masters of IT-specialties to study the disciplines of the pedagogical cycle and to the future pedagogical activity by forming pedagogical competencies based on already mastered professional IT-competencies. The expediency of strengthening the pedagogical preparation of masters by studying the theoretical and practical principles of the development of methodical support for the teaching of professional disciplines and sections related to modern educational information technologies is shown. Methodical approaches aimed at increasing the theoretical and practical readiness of masters of IT-specialties for pedagogical activity in higher education institutions using the means of LMS-system Moodle and active teaching methods are considered. The proposed methodological approaches to the teaching of the disciplines of the pedagogical cycle were introduced and their influence on the improvement of quality of pedagogical preparation of masters of IT-specialties was experimentally confirmed using diagnostic tools to assess the formation of components of pedagogical competency.References
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