The article describes the possibilities of e-textbooks introduction to the school curriculum as an instrument of digital pedagogy for the implementation of quality education. In the research, theoretical methods for systematizing and analyzing various approaches to the definition of the concept "e-textbook" and its classifications are used, the requirements for a modern e-textbook and the conditions for its use at school are generalized, as well as analyzed the proposals for electronic educational means for Ukrainian schools. The needs of teachers, students and their parents in the use of e-textbooks and electronic educational means were identified through empirical methods (observation, survey). Experience of using e-textbooks, electronic educational means is described on the basis of research and experimental work of 25 secondary education institutions. The results are based on sociological surveys, interviews and questionnaires of the participants in the educational process. A total of 1005 respondents took part in the study: 352 students, 296 teachers, 357 parents. The research has shown that most teachers are ready to use e-textbooks, e-tutorials, electronic educational means. It is more convenient for students and teachers to work with multimedia, interactive e-learning tools, e-textbooks. The Ukrainian state educational policy contributes to the development of digital pedagogy, digital education and the creation of high-quality electronic educational resources. International experience determines the priorities of the development of e-textbooks and the transition from static scanned versions of printed textbooks to interactive, multimedia, universal editions in which teachers can transform educational material, and, subsequently, to the development of adaptive versions that will provide students with the opportunity to form individual educational routes. In our future research we intend to concentrate on organizational, psychological and pedagogical conditions for the introduction of e-textbooks to secondary education and teacher training for their use as a guarantee of the development of digital pedagogy.References
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