The article presents the analysis of the «English for Border Guards» electronic textbook (ET) implementation results at the educational institutions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) and border crossing points. The experiment involved 298 border guards who completed three-month intensive English language studies at Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and 1158 persons upon completion of the distance English language courses at the SBGSU training centers. The questionnaire was conducted on the following blocks: variants of the ET usage, age groups and gender, initial level of the users’ foreign language training, general impressions of the users concerning the ET, experience of use, ET structure and use, level of the users’ speech skills improvement, sufficiency of educational materials, characteristic of the ET exercises. The analysis of the feedback questionnaires and survey results proves that the ET implementation in the SBGSU was successful and meets the special needs of border guards operating at the Ukrainian state border crossing points, since it was specially developed by the acting representatives of the border authorities for its further use by the border guards. The evaluation of the results of the ET use by the border guards has proved the effectiveness of improving the foreign language training required for the execution of the border guards’ daily tasks by using educational video and audio materials that correspond to real situations faced by the representative of the border authority at their workplace. As a result of the questionnaires analysis, it has been ascertained that the majority of respondents (93%) agree with the statement and understand the importance of the English language learning and improving foreign language skills in order to facilitate the implementation of the tasks at the border crossing points during interviews with foreigners and participation in joint international operations. At the same time, 7% of users partly or completely disagree with this statement, which is stipulated, first of all, by the fact that the ET was too difficult for them due to their personal low level of the basic English language training. The ET use made it possible to simplify the border guards communication with passengers crossing the state border in more confident way, to clarify the circumstances of the violation of the law and to communicate effectively with their counterparts from other European countries.
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