The article represents the results of an experimental study on the formation of the media competence of the student’s personality in the context of media education. The definitions of key terms have been given: media education, media literacy, media competence. Based on the experience of the higher educational establishments of Germany, the experimental study made it possible to trace both common and distinguishing characteristics in the formation of media competence. At the establishing stage of the experiment the following tasks were addressed: the pedagogical essence of the development of media competence of university students in Ukraine and the FRG; the elaboration of the criteria, levels and stages of development of the students’ media competence; the identification of the initial level of the media competence development of Ukrainian university students. At the forming stage, the research was concerned with highlighting of the media strengths of Ukrainian and German students in a comparative analysis, as well as checking the efficiency of the pedagogical conditions for the development of media competence of the university students. The results of the establishing stage of the experimental work revealed an insufficient level of development of media competence of Ukrainian university students, pointed out their main media preferences as value orientations in media space. The result of the forming stage is the development and implementation of the model of media competence development in the university educational process, making use of the German pedagogical experience of personality mediatization. In the course of the German language practical classes and in the optional course the following media education methods were used: the mediaobiographic method, the method of narrative analysis of media text, L. Kolberg’s method of moral dilemma. Thus, the experimental and peda gogical work carried out allows us to conclude that the implemented pedagogical methods promote the development of the levels of students’ media competence, as evidenced by the positive dynamics of the studied indicators among the Ukrainian students.References
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