The article explores the development level of SMART information criterion for the cognitive and competency-based component of future teacher assistants’ readiness for professional activity in the context of an inclusive educational space, which is an integral part of content and activity stage (stage 2) of these specialists’ training system. The following indicators of SMART information criterion were defined: knowledge about the legislative, conceptual and terminological field of inclusive education; understanding of psychopedagogical conditions for promoting inclusive education; the need for using digital technologies in the educational process. They are the basis for developing diagnostic materials (tests, questionnaires and e-questionnaires), which make it possible to obtain appropriate empirical data for a clear quantitative and qualitative differentiation of students at five levels of readiness in the process of psychopedagogical diagnostics. In order to determine the development level of students’ knowledge about the legislative, conceptual and terminological field of inclusive education, the authors have designed a special questionnaire. It includes 15 questions, which require short answers and also allow students to supplement the chosen answer. To study their understanding of psycholopedagogical conditions for promoting inclusive education, 15 multiple-choice questions have been also designed. In order to determine the development level of the need for using digital technologies in the educational process, students were asked to assess how important they considered the components of digital literacy and how often these components of digital literacy were used during the educational process. As evidenced by the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained results on three indicators, most students (more than 50%) are at low and average development levels of readiness according to SMART information criterion. The obtained data of empirical research obtained during the confirming stage of the experiment indicate the need for developing specialists’ readiness to implement inclusion during higher education study.
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