The article highlights the role and place of personal sites of the scientific and pedagogical personnel in the process of their image creation on the Internet. The significance of the personal site as a component of international scientific information systems which presents scientific publications such as sources of scientific, biographical and bibliographic analysis, in particular, scientific Internet services as ResarcherID, ORCID, Google Scholar, which provide the ability to enter and identify personal information on the principle of interactive data exchange technologies in the organized interface is discovered. The importance of personal site development for the scientific and pedagogical university personnel under a single university domain as one of the key factors in the growth of the level of the Internet presence of the educational organization is emphasized. Several types of personal sites are presented. The main requirements to the structure and content of the personal site of the scientific and pedagogical personnel are determined. The significance of the completeness and relevance of information materials that will be presented on the personal site is pointed out. The description of the development stages and the interface of the personal site of the scientific and pedagogical personnel is given, as well as described the work algorithm with the site. It is proved that professionally structured and filled page in accordance with established principles, the personal page allows to increase the level of qualification assessments during the rating evaluation of the scientific and pedagogical personnel significantly, which today is an important issue of increasing the world information rating of higher education institutions. The developed personal site is a considerable source of biographical and bibliographic information and can be used by the scientific and pedagogical personnel to solve scientific and practical problems of presenting additional personal information and the results of their own research to the entire scientific and pedagogical community on the Internet, which will allow higher education instructors to create their own digital images in the Internet space successfully.References
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