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information and communication technologies
the Internet
speech experience
children of young school age

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The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study on the influence of information and communication technologies on the speech experience of young school age children as well as identifies the areas for further research on the influence of the Internet environment on speech experience. The author argues that unregulated and unorganized using of information and communication technologies by children in the pedagogical process has been studied insufficiently. The main theoretical approaches to studying the interaction between children and the Internet environment as well as the main directions of using information and communication technologies in the pedagogical process are determined. As a result of critical analysis of scientific theoretical and practical research, the author points out the need to study the influence of the Internet information resources on the content characteristics of the speech experience of young school age children. The article substantiates the approach to studying speech as speech experience. The methodology of empirical research is described in detail. The research supports the paradigm of speech experience theory, according to which speech experience is seen as a system in the mind of the individual aimed at speech mastering. The external structure of speech experience, which consists of speech competence, the language picture of the world and speech culture, performs a function of mediating speech interaction between the child and the world. The article defines the leading functions of each element of the speech experience, the content characteristics and markers, as well as the diagnostic tools used to identify these markers. As a result of the empirical study, specific content characteristics of the speech experience of children of young school age due to their use of communication and information technologies are determined. They include the concurrent increase in the range and differentiation of emotions on the one hand and the decrease in the ability to verbalize them on the other; the predominance of dynamic frame cognitive structures over static frames; the expansion of semantic fields; increasing initiative in communication; the reduction of the role of speech correctness, the observance of grammatical and syntactic norms of the language; the increase in semantic flexibility. The main conclusion of the research is that the use of information and communication technologies affects not only the quantitative indicators of the speech experience of children of young school age (the level of speech development) but changes its content characteristics.

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