The article analyzes various trends in the construction of a model of information and communication maintenance of education quality management in modern preschool education institutions, in accordance with the International Educational Standards. The authors have developed and tested the model of information and communication maintenance of modern preschool education institutions quality management which provides the awareness on all subjects of the management process with the problems of management, information and communication maintenance, the most preferable forms and methods of interaction in the team, team work, the establishment of cross-sectoral links in the management of preschool education institutions educational activities. Approbation was carried out on the example of preschool education institutions in Kyiv. The presented tools included the analysis of the relevant theoretical and methodological sources, as well as generalization of the teacher's experience in teaching "Management in the system of preschool education" to students of National Pedagogical University named after M.P . Dragomanov. The emphasis is placed on the importance of effective mechanisms of interaction in the educational space, which are followed and supported by information flows, and bring together both the direct participants of the educational process and the social environment with the educational institution, and form an integral system. Main attention is paid to identify the factors that encumber the creation of a fully-fledged information and communication maintenance of the management of preschool education; new approaches in overcoming or minimizing a number of difficulties that arise in the educational process are substantiated. The authors have substantiated the importance of the creation and functioning of the multidisciplinary team; revealed the features of planning of collective actions in the aspect of management of educational institutions; specified the process of coordination of the activities and characterized the control system for their implementation.References
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