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інформаційно-комунікаційні технології
відкрита наука
відкриті електронні науково-освітні системи
наукові та науково-педагогічні працівники
інформаційно-дослідницька компетентність

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The article is devoted to the development of scientific and pedagogical professionals' information and research competency with the aim to promote the process of improving their work quality results, to create and use open electronic systems for support scientific, educational, theoretical and methodological and practical bases. It can provide modernization of the national education and science in according with world trends. The concept of scientific and pedagogical professionals' information and research competency is defined in, such as the ability to use ICT for search, compile, analyze and present scientific materials according with the methodology of the scientific research, communication, cooperation and training other educators, to use the services of scientific and educational systems for informational and analytical support of scientific and pedagogical researches, monitoring and evaluation scientific results, to product new socially significant knowledge with the aim to promote the implementation its to their research and education practice. The main foreign experience in implementing educational programs of informometry for the scientific and pedagogical professionals' informational and research competency development is described in the article. The open electronic educational and scientific s systems’ impact on the development of scientific and pedagogical professionals' information and research competency is determined in. It has been found out, that selection of open electronic scientific and educational systems becomes important for the development of scientific and pedagogical professionals' information and research competency. The platforms for the electronic libraries creation, open electronic conferences, services for the management of scientific bibliography, monitoring of scientific research activities of scientific and scientific and pedagogical workers, etc., are particular importance for the development of scientific and pedagogical professionals' information and research competency. The development of a methodology for the use open scientific and educational systems in accordance with the open science principles is the prospects for research on the development of scientific and pedagogical professionals' information and research competency.
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