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mobile learning
means of mobile learning technology
competency approach
information and digital competency
the process of learning physics
frontal survey of students
Plickers mobile app

How to Cite

O. I. Liashenko and S. I. Tereshchuk, “USING THE MOBILE TECHNOLOGY PLICKERS IN THE PROCESS OF LEARNING PHYSICS”, ITLT, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 59–70, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v70i2.2738.


The article analyzes the possibilities of introduction of mobile technology of education in school practice as a means of forming information and digital competency of students. Based on the analysis of literary sources and educational practice, the methodical features of the application of mobile technology in the educational process, in particular during the frontal questioning of students using the mobile application Plickers, are outlined. According to the results of questionnaire survey of students and teachers revealed the main shortcomings of the introduction of mobile technology in the educational process. In particular, the inadequate preparation of students for the use of mobile technology in self-study, the low readiness of students and teachers to use mobile applications and services in the learning process has been confirmed. It is argued that the low level of introduction of mobile education in school practice is due to insufficient methodological support and improper description of ways of using mobile applications in specific didactic situations. The example of the Plickers mobile application demonstrates the possibilities of using it in the process of teaching physics. The article gives methodical recommendations on the application of Plickers during the frontal questioning of students in the process of studying quantum physics. Five options for the use of Plickers in physics classes are proposed, in particular: a frontal survey to diagnose student achievements or check the formation of certain concepts; double testing at the beginning and at the end of the lesson to determine the degree to which the purpose of the lesson is achieved; local or modular survey on specific pieces of educational material to identify its level; interviewing students in order to find out the success of tasks or solving problems; the use of a mobile tool for grouping students into groups in order to correct typical errors. It is emphasized that the rapid development of information and communication technologies and their widespread use in recent years in educational activities provide grounds for optimistic forecasts for the earliest possible introduction of mobile school education.
PDF (Ukrainian)


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