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information and communication technologies (ICT)
an institutional repository
research competence
master students
Dspace system
higher educational establishments

How to Cite

N. Y. Rymar, N. M. Shulska, N. M. Matviichuk, Y. V. Hromyk, and R. S. Zinchuk, “THE USE OF INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY FOR THE FORMATION OF MASTER STUDENTS’ RESEARCH COMPETENCE ”, ITLT, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 198–212, Apr. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v76i2.2753.


The article clarifies the role of institutional repositories for the formation of master students’ research competence. A comparative analysis of two resource bases - eSNUIR (Lesya Ukrainka East-European National University) and iRBNAU (Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University) operating in the Dspace system, is carried out. Functions that can be performed by this information and communication technology for graduate students’ innovative activity are characterized. The model for the methodical support for the formation of master students’ research skills at different stages of their activities by means of institutional repository is suggested. These activities include performing research tasks, individual work and project activities, participation in conferences and seminars, preparation and publication of conference proceedings, master theses drafting and defense. The specifics of such institutional repositories as eSNUIR and iRBNAU related to the organization and provision of educational services are described. A survey of master students of Lesya Ukrainka East-European National University and Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University is conducted to monitor the effectiveness of their involvement in research activities. The high frequency of the use of university repository resources by respondents is confirmed. It has been proved that the functional advantages of electronic archives (open access, material structuring, ease of use at any time, the possibility of posting their own research) contribute to the formation of an effective environment for the scientific communication among master students. Some deficiencies in the work of eSNUIR and iRBNAU are identified in order to correct them, provide higher quality of educational services that would promote the self-development and self-education of master students by acquiring respective competence. It is noted that the development of the relevant standards motivates young scientists to post their works in archives, contributing to the innovative research work of the university.

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