The article deals with the problem of the use of ICT means for the formation of professional competences of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature. The relevance of using e-learning resources in the system of vocational education of students-philologists is investigated. The essence of the concept of "professional competence of the teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature" is specified. The state of the use of ICT in the professional teaching of bachelors and masters of Ukrainian philology based on the analysis of the works of scientists, the synthesis of educational and methodical ideas, the generalization of their own pedagogical experience, questioning of students is determined; the experience of effective work of students of philology with ICT means in the context of vocational education is considered. The analysis of the use of e-learning tools for the mastery of Ukrainian philology by future teachers-speakers is carried out. The results of the survey and questioning of students-philologists concerning the activity and efficiency of using ICT tools in the professional training are described. It is empirically confirmed that the integration of ICT means into the traditional methodology of teaching the professional disciplines to future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature makes it possible to improve the attitude of students towards vocational education. It is provided that the blog of the Ukrainian Language Cultural Center at Kyiv Borys Hrinchenko University is a significant educational potential for the professional training of students of philology since it is an important modern tool for maintaining new ways of teaching the language and it contains accessible electronic resources that are useful for the professional growth of future language teachers and affects educational activity of students positively. This article focuses on the educational potential of the Facebook community of the mentioned Center which brings professional education closer to the student, helps him to study, communicates in the Internet, and acquires the ability to continuous education despite the distance between the members of this Facebook community. It is generalized that active activities in the environment of the Facebook community of the Center develops the skills of critical thinking, communication in the virtual space, emotional intelligence, ability to process and structure significant information of the Ukrainian-speaking direction. The prospects of research on the use of ICT means for the professional training of the teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature have been determined.References
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