The article presents an analysis of national and foreign experience of electronic textbooks use in the system of education. It is justified the use of Smart Kids technology as a system of methods, forms, and electronic educational game resources, electronic textbooks for educational process in the system of primary school. Four forms of Smart Kids technology implementation (Smart Case, Smart Teacher, Smart Class, and Smart Kids) were described considering the facilities of every school as well as the level of information and communication technology qualification of the primary school teacher. The aim of introduction of the technology for each form of teaching, the necessary equipment, and means for its implementation in primary school environment were determined. Based on the procedural approach to work of the primary school teacher, six stages of introduction of the technology were justified. Specific aspects of introduction of blended teaching using the principles of Smart Kids technology were defined. The experience of introduction of electronic textbooks to the system of primary education of Ukraine was described, the choice of electronic textbooks by primary school teachers was justified, the comments and suggestions of teachers regarding the arrangement of electronic content in E-textbooks were summarized, the main approaches of teachers to the choice of an electronic textbook and development of their information and communication competence were specified. Proposals are given for training future primary school teachers on the use of Smart Kids technology and the inclusion in the curriculum of topics such as: the concept of EER, EEGR and electronic textbook, structure and development of EER, the use of Smart Kids technology for teaching students, the latest forms of work with students, work with network programs for organizing a survey of students. The fragments of use of electronic textbook in teaching 6-year-old pupils were provided. It was identified that the forms, methods, and techniques of use of electronic textbooks in teaching primary school pupils require further justification.References
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