The dramatic penetration of educational environment with new information technologies increases the need for modifying learning methods. The purpose of this article is to highlight approaches to adapting learning methods through the prism of the implementation of quick feedback for students. Nowadays students are expected not only to receive excellent professional preparation, but to acquire valuable transversal skills for self-development and life-long learning. The article describes a new approach to creating interactive learning tasks which contain, in addition to the assignment itself, the rapid feedback through embedding the final result students need to get. Tasks are performed on a computer, so students get a quick result and can search and correct errors on their own. It is forced them to be inspired and stay actively involved in the learning process. The use of short tests for determining the level of students’ understanding of the material considered at the lecture theatre is substantiated. The article also reveals the features of cloud and online technologies application for students’ testing, the fulfilment of analytical activities through Google Forms, as well as the use of video lessons. Described approaches develop students’ ability in searching for the necessary information effectively; enhance their analytical skills, critical and creative thinking, the ability in self-development and effective communication. It also changes the form of interaction between the teacher and the student: in this case teaching gives way to learning. The author proves the necessity for continuous improvement of educational and methodological discipline complexes in order to arrange conscious and effective educational students’ activities, the formation of their ability to evaluate the results independently.
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