The article analyzes the methodological and organizational aspects of the computerized didactic games used for teaching children with intellectual disabilities in the inclusive educational environment. The functions of the LearningApps.org service for the development of educational games on History for pupils with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classes are highlighted. The authors emphasise the peculiarities of cognitive activity of children with intellectual disabilities which lead to their weak ability in mastering History, namely their uneven pace of maturation of higher mental functions, the underdevelopment of the emotional-personal and motivational-volitional spheres, the slow-down of speech development, and low productivity. The article also establishes the criteria for the development of the computer didactic games for pupils with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classes. It also provides the examples of the developed games aimed at the stimulation of neuropsychic processes, motivation and quick adaptation of pupils with mental disabilities to mental work, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills by pupils, the implementation of the educational and correctional potential, as well as their further awareness of the material studied. The games help pupils with intellectual disabilities to assimilate facts, dates, names, historical concepts and the connection between new materials and previously studied ones. It is shown how games influence the application of new knowledge and skills by pupils in other learning situations, the formation of their own conclusions and attitude to historical events, the verification of historical knowledge and subject skills of students with intellectual disabilities and their correction. Developed on the basis of the LearningApps.org service, computer-based didactic games of historical content enable an inclusive teacher to successfully present the story to children with typical mental disorders, taking into account the features of educational programs for children of these categories, their level of intellectual development and the pace of classroom learning.
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