The ways of solving the problem of using modern information and communication technologies at different stages of project activity of students are outlined. The specific feature of the professional activity of craft and technology teachers enables the use of modern communication tools at different stages of creative projects, combining technical means with the latest educational technologies. The methodical features of ICT application during information search, project development, evaluation and self-evaluation are highlighted. The variants of expedient application of public computer programs and means of communication with the purpose to increase the professionalism of projects execution by students, optimization of feedback between the teacher and subjects of training, innovative approach in the implementation of complex tasks are offered.The mastery of instrumental artistic and technical software should become a base for the methodical system of teaching at the Pedagogical University. They form the basis of information technology and artistic and graphic competence of future technology teachers and is the basis for the development of the person's ability to professional activity, allowing the future teacher of technology to professionally use the mastered computer resources in pedagogical and artistic and creative activities. It has been proved that the training of future technology teachers is effective on the basis of ICT (programming language, ready-made software products, Microsoft Office software package, cloud services, Internet resources, WEB-site), implemented in the educational process of special (designing and modeling of clothing, design of clothing ) and psychological and pedagogical (the method of profile education, the theory and methodology of teaching technology, the method of educational work) disciplines.References
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