The article analyzes the peculiarities of participation in volunteering activities of socially active students who are ready to be included in the format of cooperation in solving various problems of volunteer support facilities that can demonstrate flexible strategies for interacting with them and actively use their own personal resources to achieve effectiveness in the implementation of such work. The psychological analysis of the content and essence of the phenomenon of student volunteering has been carried out. It is clarified the necessity and peculiarities of the formation of a multidisciplinary team of experienced and young specialists in various fields with the aim of providing comprehensive volunteer assistance, the success of communication of which will be largely determined by the ability to use modern information and communication technologies in the process of volunteer interaction. It has been proven that one of the important factors for ensuring effective and well-coordinated work of a multidisciplinary team is the personal resources of each subject of volunteering activities. It has been established that the subjective resources of students involved in volunteering are determined by their readiness to use information and communication technologies in team collaboration, the search for opportunities and ways to use information and communication technologies to unite team efforts in the process of providing volunteer assistance and developing individual style of volunteering. It was determined that the qualified use of information and communication technologies in volunteering activities of students will help to identify and introduce effective methods, techniques, and means of volunteering, which in the format of active interaction will help not only achieve the goal of volunteer support, but also stimulate the development of personal resources of volunteer students . It is stated that there is a contradiction between the understanding of volunteer students of the importance and possibilities of information and communication technologies for combining team efforts to provide volunteer assistance and the lack of readiness to use them in the practice of volunteering.References
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