The article discusses the problems of cyber-security of participants of the educational process, emphasizes the fact that these problems are not limited to the technical aspects of the protection of information resources, they must include in their entirety the following types of protection: legal, technical, informational, organizational and psychological. Among the psychological tools for securing cyber-security, it is proposed to distinguish cognitive ones, as the general population, and especially children and youth, increasingly become targets of cyber-attacks, first of all, their cognitive sphere, becoming the most vulnerable (weak) link in the network. In anthropocentric networks, which make up an ever-increasing share among common networks, the network itself acquires new properties, acting as an independent component (in addition to factors such as the network node, interface and links). Threats to participants in the educational process from the cyberspace should be regarded as passive and active, developing adequate means of protection and viability of the system "subject of educational process-learning-environment". The most significant among cyber-threats for the participants of the educational process are the social engineering methods, which knowledge and resistance can be the most effective for providing cyber-security. As part of the training of participants in the educational process on cyber-security, it is proposed to use "cyber vaccination", that is the formation of a conscious cognitive experience of staying under the influence of a cyber threat and counteracting it as a system of training activities that include, in addition to traditional methods, training of "cyber attacks", as well as the formation of knowledge and skills of resilience (recovery) in relation to cyber-threats. Further research is suggested to focus on the detailed development of types of threats to participants in the education process, as well as methods of counteraction. A special place should be a problem of resistance to cyber-threats, which can use the experience of training operators in emergent industries, including assessing the current state of the person and necessary adjustments in order to optimize its performance.References
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