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selection criteria
cloud-oriented tools
students of higher education establishments

How to Cite

T. A. Vakaliuk, O. V. Korotun, and D. S. Antoniuk, “SELECTION OF THE CLOUD-ORIENTED DATABASE LEARNING TOOLS FOR FUTURE IT PROFESSIONALS”, ITLT, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 154–168, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v71i3.2880.


The article describes the selection of cloud-oriented learning tools for educational process of the students of higher education establishments by the expert appraisal method. The criteria and appropriate indicators for learning tool selection have been defined. Three learning tools to study databases were selected out of the list of offered tools, such as: Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, Heroku PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Azure, Oracle Database Cloud Service, Rackspace Cloud Databases, SQLite Viewer. The expert appraisal method has been used with involvement of teachers, lecturers, departments’ heads and deans that have experience in teaching databases at the Ukrainian higher education establishments. The comparing analysis of the cloud-oriented database learning tools, such as Google Cloud SQL, Microsoft SQL Azure, SQLite Viewer with Google Drive, has been conducted. The functionally-didactical and organizational criteria were defined. The possibility to use such cloud-oriented learning tools in the higher education establishments were examined. Appropriate indicators for each criterion were defined. The functionally-didactical criterion has the next indicators: possibility to create, to edit and drop tables in the databases; finding the primary and external keys for the tables; creation the connections for the tables in the databases; data modification in the tables of databases; functionality to analyze the results and mistakes of the queries execution in the databases. The organizational criterion has the following indicators: affordability (presence of the free of charge version; validity term for the free of charge version); need in the financial ability of the customer prove; customer interface usability. As the result of the expert appraisal selection method, has been revealed that SQLite Viewer with Google Drive is the most reasonable learning tool, by the manifestation of all the criteria, for the students of higher education establishments.

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