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distance learning
distance learning technologies
virtual and augmented reality
natural user interfaces
Internet of Things
next generation learning management system

How to Cite

S. O. Sysoieva and K. P. Osadcha, “CONDITION, TECHNOLOGIES AND PROSPECTS OF DISTANCE LEARNING IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF UKRAINE”, ITLT, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 271–284, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v70i2.2907.


On the basis of the analysis of queries in Google Trends, Google Scholar, and the database of Volodymyr Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine, a sample of historically structured knowledge systems has been obtained which can be used to describe the contribution of distance learning studies during the time slots available for each resource. According to the survey of students of four institutions of different education types (classical, technological, pedagogical and marine ones), the modern state-of-the-art of the application of distance learning technologies at higher education institutions is established. The analysis of the progressive ideas and practical achievements of countries of Europe, North America and Asia, which in recent years have made the significant progress in reforming their educational systems and the implementation of innovative technologies, has allowed to distinguish the following technological advances for the implementation of distance learning technologies: the adaptive learning technology, mobile learning, the virtual, supplemented and hybrid reality, the Internet of Things, systems of the next generation learning management, artificial intelligence and natural user interfaces. The following perspectives of the distance learning development in Ukraine are highlighted: updating of software and technical support and material resources of higher education institutions; provision of higher education institutions of Ukraine with the broadband Internet access; organization of cooperation of software developers for distance learning, distance education methodologists and lecturer; improvement the staffing of distance learning; development and distribution of platforms with intuitive non-complex software interfaces for creating distance courses; creation or adaptation of information technologies and electronic educational and methodological developments for the support of new technologies of distance learning at higher education institutions of Ukraine; studying the effectiveness of technological advances in the IT industry in the process of higher education teaching and learning, ensuring the process of obtaining an educational degree (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree) at higher education institutions of Ukraine through training at mass open distance courses.
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