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mobile devices
mobile learning
learning physics experiment
gaming technology
educational software

How to Cite

I. V. . Salnyk, “MOBILE DEVICES AND MODERN EDUCATION SOFTWARE IN LEARNING PHYSICS IN SECONDARY SCHOOL”, ITLT, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 1–14, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v73i5.2918.


The use of mobile education today causes some controversy among educators. Some teachers believe that this will interfere with the classroom learning process, but at the same time, most people see significant potential in using mobile technologies. The article describes own research on the use of mobile technologies for teaching physics. In particular, the possibilities of mobile applications and mobile device sensors as measuring devices for conducting physical experiments are considered. We have proven that the use of mobile device sensors in a virtually-oriented environment greatly extends its functionality. This opens up the possibility of designing and developing low-cost laboratories that can be used both in the classroom and outside of school for interesting studies and simultaneous study of physics. The article shows that there are many methods of developing cognitive interest of students in physics, but most of them involve the involvement of students in independent experimental activity using computer and innovative technologies. Among innovative technologies, we emphasize gaming. It is shown that the use of ICT tools allows including of playing elements in the learning process that will make it easy and more open and creative. The implementation of learning physics educational software Algodoo is a modern direction that allows children to encourage self-experimentation activities and promotes the development of creative thinking. Through simple editing students can create various physical objects and work with them. At the same time, the program allows to carry out quite complicated calculations and to build graphs of dependence of studied values which greatly simplifies the perception of the results of the experiment and their processing. The paper proposes specific methodical approaches for using Algodoo at physics classes, for example, during studying Archimedes’ principle, studying of the dependence of the velocity of the bodies on the applied forces. The introduction of the proposed approaches in the learning of students of the Kropyvnytsky Scientific Lyceum showed an increase in their interest and awareness in the study of physics.

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