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information system
conceptual design
advanced training of teachers

How to Cite

P. P. . Hrabovskii, “DESIGNING AN INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR MONITORING THE PROCESS OF TEACHERS’ ADVANCED TRAINING ”, ITLT, vol. 73, no. 5, pp. 206–218, Oct. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v73i5.2983.


The article deals with an actual problem - the need to develop an information system for monitoring the process of advanced training of teachers in the institution of postgraduate pedagogical education. The publication carried out a conceptual design of this system. In particular, the data and the corresponding information processes, the characteristic organization and implementation of advanced training of teachers are described. The basic requirements for the projected monitoring information system were clarified: for compliance with certain groups of users; the possibility of registering teachers in the region to plan advanced training courses; analyzing the results of students' learning activities using the methods of mathematical statistics; automating the preparation of the necessary documentation of internal reporting and the implementation of its relevant analysis, etc. In addition, the software being developed should be an element of the appropriate computer-oriented educational environment of postgraduate pedagogical education. On the basis of the above, goals, tasks, development principles, general structure, stages of implementation of an information system for monitoring the process of teacher qualification improvement and the expected results from its implementation are determined. At the same time, the publication states that further research may concern the development of an infological database model of an information system for monitoring the process of teachers' advanced training in the institution of a system of postgraduate pedagogical education, which provides analysis of this process and support for the administration to make the necessary management decisions, as well as planning joint activities with district methodological cabinets and relevant representatives of the zonal united territorial communities of the region on the professional development of teachers in the intercourse period.

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