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information and communication technologies
teacher of general educational institution
information and communication competence of a teacher
assessment of IC-competence of a teacher
levels of IC-competence of a teacher

How to Cite

I. V. Sereda, N. V. Savinova, N. V. Stelmah, and O. H. Biliuk, “LEVELS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE FORMATION FOR EDUCATORS IN GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ”, ITLT, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 56–70, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v74i6.2984.


The authors present the results of a study aimed to determine the levels of information and communication competence for teachers in comprehensive educational institutions. The analysis of experience on using information and communication technologies in the practice by Ukrainian and foreign teachers is carried out, as well as compared domestic and world approaches to assessing teachers’ IC competence. The results of empirical research of levels of teachers’ information and communication competence in a comprehensive educational institution are presented. While research it was defined the criteria of teachers’ IC-competence: informational (awareness of ICT, understanding their essence and role in the educational process), motivational (interest and need for implementation), activity (ability to use them in their lessons, ability independently create relevant informational and teaching-methodical products and systematically apply them in their professional activities). The criteria are reflected in 3 levels: basic, technological, creative. The current state of the use of ICT in the teacher’s work revealed significant potential for effective modernization of school education, based on updating the technical arsenal of training resources, optimizing the implementation of existing state programs aimed at informatization, computerization and updating of the material and technical base of schools, providing them with free access to the Internet. It is established that in the process of using modern ICT at the lesson, the students' interest to the subject increases, as well as motivation for cognitive activity and activity in the classroom. Increasing the level of teacher’s IC competence is an important prerequisite for ensuring the quality of education, it contributes to the formation of students’ IC-competence. The tools and mechanisms for assessing the teacher's IC competence can influence the content, forms and methods of teachers’ training. This creates an opportunity to optimize the use of learning environment resources and increase the effectiveness of the teacher's professional activities in accordance to the requirements of information society.

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