The article introduces the developed 3D mapping of digital competency. The necessity of radical changes aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of education, changing the role of scientific and pedagogical staff in Ukraine in accordance with world requirements is substantiated. The analysis of the state policy and regulatory framework in the field of digital skills and competencies in Ukraine, research on information and communication competency in the European educational space, in particular UNESCO recommendations, the digital competency framework for citizens DigComp 2.0 and the digital competency framework for educators DigCompEdu, requirements for digital literacy in the United States, in particular the standards of the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE), as well as development of digital competency in Ukraine. As a result of the analysis of these documents, questionnaires were developed for three groups of respondents – pedagogical staff and students of institutions of higher education and teachers of general secondary education institutions - and questionnaires were conducted in six Ukrainian universities within the framework of the international project Erasmus + MoPED. The developed 3D mapping reflects the trends of understanding by pedagogical staff and students of institutions of higher education and teachers of secondary education institutions of the main modern educational trends, the use of innovative pedagogical technologies and digital instruments in the educational process. The attitude of the three groups of respondents to the actual educational trends, innovative pedagogical technologies and the level of interest in mastering digital tools and their ability to use them effectively in the educational process according to the results of the questionnaire has been highlighted, which made it possible to compare the attitude of pedagogical staff of institutions of higher education, teachers and students to the above categories at the present stage.References
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