The article deals with the scientific analysis of such notions as "digital training of a prospective teacher", "digital competence", "gamification of education". The authors prove that one of the factors contributing to the effective development of the educational process in a modern higher education institution is the formation of prospective teachers’ digital competence by means of gamification. The reason for that is the predominance of a new ideology based on "gamification" and "digitalization" of education, where traditional teachers are replaced by "teachers-gamers", "coordinators of online platforms and educational trajectories". It was found out that the result of prospective teachers digital training is formed digital competence, which consists of the following components: value-motivational, cognitive and operational ones. The research methods used to verify the formation of prospective teachers’ digital competence by means of gamification according to certain criteria (motivational, cognitive, reflexive-corrective) have been described. The results of the conducted questionnaires, testing and interviews have given grounds to indicate the level of the prospective teachers’ digital competence formation by means of gamification as mainly medium and low. On the basis of the obtained results, the technology of prospective teachers’ digital competence formation by means of gamification has been developed and implemented at the following stages: professional-motivational stage, content-activity, reflexive-correctional.The developed technology has been implemented under the following conditions: the integration of gaming tools into the process of prospective teachers training; the application of organizational and technical measures and methods of providing information security when working with digital educational technologies; the selection of the most effective digital educational technologies; the application of educational platforms for the development of digital learning projects. The following mobile applications aimed at prospective teachers’ digital competence development have been used: DuoLingo, ClassDojo, Coursera, Brainscape, Socrative 101. The experimental implementation of the developed technology indicates positive results of the formation of prospective teachers’ digital competence by means of gamification.
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