The article analyzes peculiarities of competence development of high school teachers by means of digital technologies. Innovative and digital competencies of teachers are distinguished among the different ones, which are system generative in their professional activity. The article is based on the results of the international project #21720008 "High school teacher competence in change" with the assistance of the Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The diagnostic toolkit, the analysis of the results concerning the innovative and digital competencies of teachers is presented. It is concluded that the ability of teachers to perceive the new, the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process and the creation of new information resources in new conditions directly affects the quality of educational activities.
Taking into account that the competent idea is the basis for selecting the content of education and assessing the quality of its results, a program of competence development of high school teachers in the internal university system of advanced training has been developed. Four of its modules were developed: "Diagnosis of competent development of high school teacher"; "Competencies paradigm of modern high education"; "Barcamp competitive development of high school teachers"; "Competencies Practices".
The target digital resources that can be used in the Program for teacher competence development have been selected and differentiated. The reasonableness of the use of digital technologies (distance learning systems, resources for communication and collaboration with mobile devices, real-time interviewing services, multimedia presentations resources and interactive testing of the developed knowledge, skills and abilities, etc.) has been substantiated for the implementation of the relevant Program. The positive experience of Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University in improving the qualification of teachers within the framework of the content module "Information and communication technologies" has been presented. The aim is to develop teachers’ ideas about the ways and perspectives of informatization in the field of education; the use of innovative pedagogical and digital technologies, Web 2.0 services in the educational process, etc.
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