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teacher's personality
information and communication technologies
Moodle system
an interdisciplinary course for teachers
distance courses for students

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A. V. . Trotsko, L. S. . Rybalko, Kіrіlenko O. G. ., and H. O. . Trush, “TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL SELF-IMPROVEMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF DISTANCE LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS”, ITLT, vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 258–272, Sep. 2019, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v72i4.3088.


The article focuses on the fact that the introduction of distance learning in the Higher education institutions of Ukraine is conditioned by the needs of modernizing the system of professional training of students that is capable of ensuring the competitiveness of future specialists in the labor market. It is proved that the effectiveness of the introduction of distance learning depends on the subjective (level of preparation of teachers and students for work in the remote mode) and objective factors (availability of material and technical base of institutions of higher education). Contrary to the existing stereotype "with the introduction of distance learning teachers will become useless" it is stated that the teacher is a key element in the implementation of any innovation in education. However, the main condition of this thesis is the positive attitude of the teacher towards the educational innovations, his desire for professional self-improvement, the activity and initiative in the development of a higher school. The teachers’ professional self-improvement is considered as a process of constant updating their knowledge and skills of pedagogical activity for the purpose of using innovative methods, organizational forms, technologies of work with students in educational process. The results of conducted questionnaire show the lack of high readiness of teachers to professional self-improvement in the conditions of implementation of distance learning. It is developed the educational and methodical provision of the process of teachers professional self-improvement in the conditions of implementation of distance learning in higher education institutions, such as: a work program on the interdisciplinary course "Implementation of educational distance technologies in the educational process of higher education" for teachers of different specialties of training, pedagogical and non-pedagogical education, with different work experience; didactic materials for the application of information and communication technologies in higher education and the organization of interactive communication between the teacher and students. The obtained results (distance courses trained by teachers, automated tests, game complexes, multimedia glossary) have proved the effectiveness of purposeful professional self-improvement of teachers. It is outlined the prospects of professional self-improvement of teachers by means of information and communication technologies in the conditions of creating a foreign language environment in institutions of higher education.

PDF (Ukrainian)


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