The article presents research findings on the improvement of educational process efficiency by the integration of training content into higher education institutions` virtual educational environment created by cloud technology application. The possibilities of interdisciplinary interaction of educational information stored in virtual classrooms are described. Attention is focused on the didactic aspects of cloud technology integration into education. The terminological analysis of closely related concepts (cloud technology integration, integration of software components, etc.) is carried out. It is noted that the integrative approach aimed at overcoming training content isolation in various disciplines can be successfully adopted by cloud technologies application. It is identified that professional education content harmonization should be implemented primarily by using traditional means at the level of the departments of an educational institution and then it should be transferred to a virtual cloud environment. The authors’ conceptual idea of the harmonization and interdisciplinary interaction of training content in several educational institutions that train specialists of the same specialty is substantiated. The article illustrates that cloud technologies application is becoming almost the only possible way of achieving this goal. The conceptual grounds for harmonizing the content of academic disciplines in a virtual environment by its integration are determined. The latter involves the use of search engines and is effectively implemented by means of cloud technology. The content integration in the virtual environment of a particular educational institution expands virtual environment opportunities through the introduction of an interdisciplinary integration block overcoming knowledge isolation from different disciplines and allowing instructors to quickly navigate the education material of related disciplines. It helps to implement the problematic approach to professional training providing students with the opportunity to choose the optimal learning trajectory of studying core disciplines and electives, to integrate the knowledge of different branches and to form new connections on a given subject. The authors illustrate how the conceptual grounds for this integration can be implemented at the practical level at specific technical specialties.
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