The article studies the specifics of the use of information and communication technologies in the process of forming linguodidactic competence of future primary school teachers. It is theoretically substantiated and shown by definite examples the effectiveness of forming linguodidactic competence of future primary school teachers by means of information and communication technologies. The authors argue that the use of ICT will improve the perception, understanding and memorization of learning information, help differentiate students’ learning and have a positive effect on their motivation for learning. The content of linguodidactic preparation of a future primary school teacher, which is connected with professional polyfunctionality, multidisciplinary nature, branching of artistic, creative and emotional-communicative sphere of interaction with students, high level of dialogue and reference in education, is analyzed. It is emphasized that the achievements in linguistics affect not only the content of language learning, but also the methods of work, types of exercises, didactic material, etc. It causes constant updating of the system of linguodidactic preparation of students in higher education in accordance with innovative aspects of development of educational space, improves the conditions of creation, preservation and provision of optimal ways of presenting information by means of information and communication technologies. Recommendations for future specialists to create a presentation are formulated. The analysis of the implementation and use of computer tests (in the computer testing program ASSIST-II) is performed. This form, as a rule, is of an additional interest to students, and, besides, allows them to test and evaluate their own knowledge of a specific topic (module) independently without the participation of the teacher. Mindmapping technology, which is based on the image of associative relationships (mental maps: memory cards, intelligence cards, mind maps, thinking cards) is described and combines visualization of training material with its “compression”. Possibilities and advantages of each ICT in the formation of the linguistic competence of a future primary school teacher are analyzed.
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