The article deals with the results of scientific literature analysis on the usage of information and communication technologies in the system of distance education, as well as the ways of solving the problems regarding ensuring the quality of higher education obtained within its framework. The vast majority of scientific researches, especially within the framework of opinions of domestic science, was carried out using the theoretical research methods and focused on the theory, system, laws, ideas and paradigms of knowledge regarding distance education and its quality. This approach narrows to certain extend the focus of the relevant phenomenon consideration, because the issue on the relevant system separate elements functioning remains open for further research. As opposed to domestic scientists, foreign researchers pay their attention to solving the problems connected with the effectiveness of the distance education system; for this purpose they use purely empirical research methods. Due to the lack of the results of domestic research on distance higher education quality, on the one hand, and the request from public administration subjects for the development of the higher education system, on the other hand, the authors offer to take into consideration the analysis of the results of the survey on students’ attitude to distance education and assessment of its quality which was carried out in 2018/19 academic year. The article contains the results of the analysis of respondents' answers as for the expected quality of higher education obtained remotely. The obtained results are presented through the prism of conditional comparison of the quality of higher education received in the systems of full-time and distance learning forms of education. In addition, the article shows the results of students' assessment of the importance of the main advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, due to the analysis of which the proposals on the improvement of higher education quality, its content and ways of the implementation of state policy as for the usage of information and communication technologies in education were made.
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