The introduction of modern information and communication technologies (ICTs) to the educational process is one of the top priorities of the universities of Ukraine. The main obstacles to solving this is a large number of teachers that lack ICT competencies, and necessity for their professional level increasing. However, it turns out that this direction of professional development is properly represented only in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education, whereas teachers from other universities (technical, medical, military, etc.) are not sufficiently covered by them. In addition, the process of improving teachers' skills in postgraduate education institutions is usually not organizationally linked to the implementation of ICT in the university where the teacher works. New challenges related to pandemia, the need to quickly transfer the educational process to online mode, encourage the search for new approaches and organizational forms of teachers’ professional development, in particular the creation of their own open systems for upgrading qualifications operating on the basis of non-formal and informal education, corporate training, and combine in-service teachers training carried out at their place of work, without interruption performance of official duties, with the creation of electronic educational resources for the disciplines they teach. The article presents the results of the project on the introduction of blended learning in the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, implemented in early 2019, in which all university teachers were involved, and where the task of creating an electronic educational-methodological complexes of all disciplines taught at the university was solved using these methods of teacher training. The methods of scaling the educational process and the means of their practical implementation in the learning system management Moodle are considered.
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