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Ukrainian language textbook
teaching aids
application of QR-code
functions of QR-codes
educational process
students of senior grades

How to Cite

O. M. Goroshkina, M. M. Hreb, I. O. Goroshkin, and S. O. Karaman, “FUNCTIONS OF QR-CODES IN THE STRUCTURE OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE TEXTBOOKS”, ITLT, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 32–46, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v78i4.3360.


In the article, the issue of implementing QR-codes as a component of a modern textbook is considered. The relevance of introducing QR-codes into the content of Ukrainian language textbooks is substantiated. The definition of a QR-code as a compact carrier of educational data, amounting to about 3,000 bytes, encoded with special programmes or services and represented graphically as a black-and-white or coloured square is elaborated. It is ascertained that QR-codes enable expanding and broadening the theoretical information on the subject. In Ukrainian language textbooks, the materials provided by QR-codes could extend and deepen theoretical data and teaching material contained in traditional textbooks, facilitate the improvement of orthoepic and grammar knowledge and spelling skills of students and perform the controlling function due to comprising tests and other materials to determine the level of students’ knowledge and skills. The functions of QR-codes in the structure of Ukrainian language textbooks, notably motivational, informational, developmental, educational, reflexive and controlling, are defined and substantiated. The content of Ukrainian language textbooks with QR-codes for Grade 10 and the manuscript for the respective textbook for Grade 11 is reviewed. The data on the efficiency checking of the embedding of QR-codes are cited. In the course thereof the students of the experimental group were engaged in activities implying application of QR-codes in Ukrainian language textbooks on the regular basis. The assignments assumed acquisition of theoretical material which provided for expanding and broadening the content of the textbook and the fulfilment of creative and research tasks encouraging the students to observe the language and do text editing exercises and tests. The principles for the selection of theoretical material for the QR-codes, notably the availability of the material, its communicative significance, novelty, emotional appeal and its role in the development of the students’ subject competency are designated.

Specific examples of information coding in Ukrainian language textbooks are provided, namely, coding of theoretical information and media materials (interviews, TV programmes and speeches) for students to analyse, as well as tests and examples of correct analogues of deviant texts for students to edit, etc.

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