
spiritual values
spiritual self-determination of student’s personality
information and communication technologies
educational content of the website

How to Cite

V. V. Lappo, R. L. Soichuk, and L. M. Akimova, “DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES OF SUPPORT THE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS”, ITLT, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 103–114, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v88i2.3403.


The article deals with the problem of finding new means of spiritual values of university students. An attempt was made to prove that information and communication technologies can be involved in the educational process, not only as educational supply, but also as a means of spiritual education. It is noted that the humanization of the educational process becomes practical in the case of specially organized communication, which is created by teachers at lectures, seminars, workshops, academic competitions, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions of creative works, thematic days, etc. It is noted that students should be formed with interest to information and communication technologies that contain information capable to enrich the spiritual world of the individual. The leading role in the mentioned process is given to the tutor of a student group. Among the internet technologies that have significant educational influence, there should be pointed out digital libraries, virtual museums and the Internet versions of educational channels, social networks and websites of educational institutions which are focused on activating different forms and methods of interaction between teachers and students, resulting in the formation and development of leading personality traits that constitute spiritual originality and affirm the moral imperative of the individual. Forms characterization of process organization of inculcating spiritual values on the main features is presented. It is found that the development of the spiritual value quintessence of future specialists should be organized in three spheres: mastering knowledge of spiritual, moral, aesthetic things; self-knowledge and self-improvement; participation in socially significant activities. The authors emphasize that the effectiveness of the information and communication technologies usage is possible in the case of the compliance with a number of educational conditions and confirms that for the formation of spiritual students' values a coherent educational system is needed to be created.



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