The article deals with the software tools for mathematical data visualization used in the process of creating electronic educational resources for teaching mathematical disciplines in higher schools. Special attention is paid to software tools for visualization of mathematical data, which allow to represent numbers, quantitative relations, spatial objects and processes as abstract multimedia static or dynamic models, imitating the essence of the object of knowledge and on what mathematical data can be presented simultaneously in a combination of different forms, text: sound, graphics, animation, photos and videos. It is established that when creating electronic resources for teaching mathematical disciplines using the visualization of educational material, it is advisable to adhere to the following basic principles – cognitive visualization, information saturation, clarity, compression, completeness, integrity of perception, accuracy and validity. The analysis of educational data visualization software was carried out on such characteristics as a freely distributed software product, usability, rich visual material, integration with the Moodle learning management system and cloud information technology services, the convenience of working on screens of any size: from smartphones to computers. The analysis of training data visualization software has been performed on such characteristics as free software distribution, convenience and ease of use, rich visual material, integration with Moodle training management system and cloud information technology services, convenience of working on screens of any size: from smartphones to computers. Specific and general software that meets these requirements has been identified and the use of which for the visual presentation of mathematical data makes it possible to make complex educational material comprehensible and accessible for awareness, to present it in an organized, compact and concentrated form. The examples of the mathematical data visualization software use are given, such as a special (dynamic mathematics program – GeoGebra), and general software for creating multimedia models of mathematical data visualization (Wordle, MindMeister, Google sheets, Screencast-o-matic, iSpring Suite, Draw.io Pro, RealTimeBoard, ThingLink) using such tools as tables, graphs, charts, intellect maps, educational films, infographics, multimedia presentations and interactive posters.
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