The article is devoted to modern tendencies of development of digital competence and digital citizenship in the European countries. Modern strategic approaches to the use of digital tools in the educational process and professional activity of teachers are presented, which support a new level of communication and interaction of all participants of the educational process, as well as at developing the digital competence of the teacher himself. The definition of "digital citizenship" in the European context is presented. It consists of the ability of a person to participate positively, critically and competitively in the digital environment, based on skills of effective communication and development. This supposes the practice of social participation with the respect of human rights and dignity through responsible use of technology. The components and characteristics of digital citizenship are revealed. It is presented in the three of its key elements: digital engagement, digital responsibility and digital participation. The role and importance of digital competence in the exercise of digital citizenship are outlined. The vision of the teacher's digital competence is presented and its role in digital citizenship is outlined. The Council of Europe's vision on digital citizenship education is presented as an opportunity to empower young people and to acquire competences for learning and active participation in the digital society. Particular attention is paid to the introduction of digital civic education in European countries to encourage young people to develop digital skills and use them in the Internet, which involves personal involvement and creativity, as well as awareness of the legal consequences of their online activities. The importance of acquiring knowledge, skills and competences for teachers and students is emphasized for the exercise and upholding of their democratic rights and responsibilities in the Internet, as well as for the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in cyberspace. Particular attention is focused on the need to adapt tools using information and communication technologies to educate the audience. The importance of making teacher-centered online tools versatile and providing feedback, highlighting their own strengths and weaknesses in ICT use, as well as on finding their own paths to success is emphasized.
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R. Vuorikari, Y. Punie, S. Carretero Gomez, G. Van den Brande. (2016). DigComp 2.0: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. Update Phase 1: The Conceptual Reference Model. Luxembourg Publication Office of the European Union. EUR 27948 EN. doi:10.2791/11517. (in English)
T.Dubow, Civic engagement. How can digital technologies underpin citizen-powered democracy. [Online]. Available: https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/conf_proceedings/CF300/CF373/RAND_CF373.pdf. Accessed on: Nov.09,2019. (in English)
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