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gifted child
student support
socialization at school

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K. A. Androsovych, “SOCIALIZATION OF GIFTED STUDENTS BY MEANS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES”, ITLT, vol. 84, no. 4, pp. 21–37, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v84i4.3538.


Pedagogical and psychological conditions that determine the content, forms, ways of organizing and promoting the process of gifted students’ socialization are substantiated in the article. The author proposes and implements a project aimed at providing psychological and pedagogical support of gifted students; providing the teaching staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to work with gifted children, encouraging participants of the educational process to use the means of information and communication technologies (ICT) in educational activities; familiarizing students and their parents with the useful opportunities as well as the potential risks of using the Internet for personal development and social experience. It has been established that the formation of gifted students' behavior, including the Internet environment, is influenced by various factors at the following levels: individual, family, the level of the closest people (peers, educational institution) and public level, which determine the student’s behavior on the Internet and form its specificity. A model of psychological support and support for participants in the educational process has been developed. The purpose, objectives, functions and technologies are stated in the model. The organizational and methodological implementation of the model involves all participants of the educational process: students, teachers, parents, administration of the institution to achieve the result: students acquire the status of their own life-creation and active member of society. An online testing platform was developed to conduct student surveys. Students and teachers used a set of diagnostic tools to identify socio-communicative features of development, to study the gifted students’ value sphere, learning motivation, their overall level of socialization, regardless of students' location and time. It provides new ways and methods of working with gifted youth using ICT.

The experiment showed positive shifts in socialization indicators in the experimental group relative to the control group at a significant level. This leads to the conclusion that our integrated approach promotes the socialization of gifted students.

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