The study deals with analysis of the social networks and reveals a level of their use within the domestic Internet space. The analysis of the social network ratings allows us to track the growth of Ukrainian audience, especially young people, on such social platforms as Facebook and Instagram. As far as social networks play an increasingly important role on the current stage of social development, there may be observed a continuing increase in marketing activities for the presence of higher education institutions in the digital space. Regarding the legislative initiative, the mechanism for regulating the relationship between higher education institutions and their communication via social networks is regulated by MES Order No.166 dd. February 19, 2015, which deals with the publication of information on educational activities in order to ensure openness and transparency of the institutions. This and other internal legal documents of higher education institutions inspired the launch of higher education information campaigns in the social networks, which improved work on creating a strong institutional brand, promoting educational content, interactive communication with the target audience in modern society. Analyzing pages of the higher education institutions in the Internet using UniRank (in terms of predicted traffic, trust and credibility) helped to reveal the level of popularity of digital profiles on the social network. A big number of subscribers to the pages of the leading universities are probably driven by qualitative and quantitative content aimed at interacting and disseminating information in the form of videos, publications, polls, announcements of events, podcasts, scribing, reviews, illustrations, animations, infographics, etc. In practical terms, a comparative description of the differences between Facebook and Instagram is presented, the opportunities of these platforms are considered in terms of interests, needs and expectations of potential users, and suggestions are made for the effective representation of educational institutions on social networks.
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