The article highlights the current issue on using modern information and communication technologies in order to develop teachers’ professionalism in the system of postgraduate education.
It is stressed that today, in the conditions of rapid development of information and communication technologies and their penetration into all spheres of human life, the most urgent issues are the ones on their usage in the education system.
The most up-to-date types of information and communication technologies, which create a favorable and effective environment for the development of professionalism in the educational industry, are described. They include mobile, murky, distance technologies, means of content visualization, high-quality digital resources, etc. The authors describe the experience related to the organization of educational environment by means of modern information and communication tools application on the basis of communal higher educational establishment «Kherson Academy of Continuous Education» of Kherson Regional Council. The topicality of the issue is confirmed by the results of the survey conducted among the teachers who have undergone advanced training on the basis of the abovementioned establishment. The paper outlines specific examples of resources used in the educational process for teachers’ professional development. Based on the conducted experiment, the authors specify organizational and educational conditions for the New Ukrainian School teachers’ professional development which require information and communication technologies application, namely the creation of information-educational environment for teachers’ professional development at postgraduate educational establishment; organization of interaction between participants in the educational process by means of information and communication technologies; the implementation of online support for teachers and their professional consulting in the inter-certification period. The validity of the received results is confirmed by a pedagogical experiment conducted at Kherson Academy of Continuous Education, the results of which are partially reflected in the article.
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