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training center
information and education professional environment
training equipment in complex with ICT
didactical features of seamen professional training

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L. D. Gerganov and V. V. Yagupov, “EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS OF MODERN TRAINING EQUIPMENT APPLICATION IN MARINE TRAINING CENTERS ”, ITLT, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 47–63, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.33407/itlt.v78i4.3564.


The experience of modern training equipment in complex with information and communications technologies application for information and educational environment development in marine training centers is studied. The authors also determine the perspectives of its development in the system of marine education.The article states that it is resulted from the implementation of new types training equipment in complex with ICT, which modern ships’ control and management systems are equipped, in their educational activities. The authors suggest that ICT application in the process of perspective seamen training greatly affect safety benefits of navigation, risk reduction of dangerous and alarm situations at sea. However, the effectiveness of its application in training centres educational process completely depends on the ability of rating and command personnel to master it in order to perform job responsibilities on board ship. For this purpose, it is necessary for their professional training to take into account basic achievements of traditional pedagogical system, as well as to offer new methodological approaches to developing their professional competence by modern informational and communications technologies application. For this purpose, the author suggest the implementation of modern information and communication technologies in these centres and the development of their information and education professional environment which gives an opportunity to use the most up-to-date training equipment based on information and communication technologies to create virtual reality of sailors’ professional activity. The pedagogical grounds demonstrate usefulness of modern training equipment in complex with information and communication technologies. The paper also analyses modern scientific achievements in the field of operation of seagoing vessels that have been tested or are planned to be introduced into the field of maritime transport in other countries and will be used in the development of modern training equipment. A special attention is focused on mariners’ training for working in multi-national crews and it is recommended to plan an educational process with the help of foreign language to create practical skills on training equipment with ICT to minimize the risk of an emergency and danger at sea.

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