Based on the analysis of the complex of scientific disciplines studied by students of the specialty "Medicine", namely the fundamental biomedical and chemical, clinical and socio-hygienic disciplines, their classification has been carried out aiming to build a mixed graph in order to establish interdisciplinary integration of medical informatics. It is obvious that in order to form a holistic view of students about using informatics in professional spheres and motivate them to gain new knowledge, it is necessary to strengthen the interdisciplinary integration of the discipline «Medical Informatics». An analysis of the relationships between the constituent elements of the subgraphs showed that the optimal case is when a certain element (discipline) from each cluster is connected by edges to a certain element (academic topic) of another cluster, taking into account many common features of each subject, respectively, the previous and subsequent communication disciplines. With this construction of the sequences of links between practical exercises and a complex of scientific disciplines, one can assume a positive effect from the application of an interdisciplinary approach, since training material will be updated, which in turn will help to systematize and generalize knowledge, form a holistic view of professional areas of computer science use, and create motivation to the use of computer technology in the medical profession. A «radial» model is also constructed that reflects the current state of interdisciplinary relations and it is established that the integration of educational topics is implemented selectively. We have identified the main aspects that ensure maximum interdisciplinary integration of such a practical lesson as «Analysis of bio signals. Methods for processing bio signals. Visualization of biomedical data. Processing and analysis of medical images». The results of a survey of medical students, to determine the nature of the integration of educational topics in medical informatics and the motivation to use computer technology in future professional activities, are presented.
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