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higher education standard
educational and professional program
program learning outcomes
information system
Unified Modeling Language

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The basic concepts related to the standards of higher education and educational and professional programs – competence, program learning outcomes are considered. The analysis was carried out and the conclusion was drawn that at present there is no computer system allowing to solve complex problems for automating the processing of educational standards and educational programs. The task of creating a software system that would allow working with a list of formed competences on subjects and program learning outcomes is formulated. An object-oriented model of a designed computer system is presented in the language of visual modeling UML in the form of a use case diagram and class diagram. The choice of the source data format, which would allow making changes to the data without using the application, and does not impose additional requirements for installing software, is justified. A description of the computer implementation of the software system implemented in the Object-Pascal visual programming environment is given, as well as an example of the system's operation based on real data – the standard of bachelor's training in the specialty 124 “System Analysis” and the educational and professional program “Intelligent Decision Making Systems”. It is shown that working with the standard of higher education allows you to view general competences, special competences and program learning outcomes in the form of a compliance matrix. Work with the educational program in addition allows you to create and adjust the matrix of correspondence of the competences to the components and the matrix of ensuring the program learning outcomes with the components. Working with the curriculum involves setting the correspondence of each discipline to program results based on its study, calculating the amount of ECTS credits for each competency or program result of training, as well as analyzing the progress of a student or an entire group in terms of the competences or program results of learning that they have mastered.

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