The paper features the specifics of conducting pedagogical research as a type of research in the field of social sciences and the humanities. The authors have studied the requirements and provisions of existing national regulatory instruments regarding their conformity with the European and international principles and approaches to the appropriate use of quantitative indices in assessment of scientists’ performance, research papers and research institutions, in view of the specificity of the pedagogical sciences. Qualitative and quantitative criteria for assessment of pedagogical research have been defined. The paper proposes that the following be considered as research products in the field of pedagogical sciences: national education standards, standard educational programmes, textbooks, coursebooks and various types of teaching manuals, methodological recommendations for teachers, readers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, research reference books, educational electronic resources, electronic resources for research management and support, drafts of legal and regulatory instruments, national and sectorial programmes, information and analytical materials and expert reports. The authors look at the experience and potential for using open scientometric system services, institutional repositories, systems of alternative metric for collecting and processing of statistical data on results of pedagogical research conducted by individual researchers, a team of researchers working on a research project, staff of a structural division and a research institution as a whole. The authors substantiate the expediency of creating and using the following tools for performance assessment of a research team working on a research project: a Google Academy research profile; scholars’ rating according to the number of citations within their research direction; an overall or temporal impact factor for research products other than scientific articles, based on the number of downloads from institutional repositories. The paper proposes an analytical model for the use of electronic copies of research products as information resource, based on analytical data resulting from the analysis of data on the users who visited networked storage and used a certain research product by the way of viewing or downloading it as an e-resource.
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